Welcome to the British Society of Pharmacy Sleep Service (BSPSS) website.

We are a charity dedicated to advancing Community Pharmacy Sleep Services to improve patient outcomes in Primary Care

Making Sleep Accessible

Independent report about the Early Intervention Community Sleep Support feasibility study due soon. 

Click for more

Get FREE membership and FREE sleep courses 



  • Help your patients with sleep issues (insomnia, snoring, sleep apnoea, restless legs, narcolepsy)
  • Learn to screen and signpost to evidence-based help (in line with current guidelines)
  • Create new revenue streams – we will tell you how

How You Can Help?

Without the generous donations from our sponsors and supporters, we couldn’t
continue to offer help and support to the people we do, so thank you.

Join (free)

Click to do it right now

Learn online - when it suits you

Learn evidence-based ways to help not hinder or delay

Create new revenue streams

Tap in to existing revenue routes

Who we are:

We’re a group of pharmacy and sleep professionals, who’ve come together to bring evidence-based sleep knowledge to the ‘coalface‘ of healthcare: Community Pharmacy

We’re a registered charitable incorporated organisation

Having a charitable status for the BSPSS, comprising pharmacists and sleep practitioners under a voluntary basis, really sets out why we are here: to educate and support pharmacy about sleep disorders for the benefit of their customers.

The potential savings for the NHS if sleep disorders are more effectively screened and signposted, or even treated within primary care is also highly important.

Pharmacy is ideally placed to do this.

The BSPSS membership is free, offering a variety of easily accessible, educational materials designed to cater for all levels of educational need.

With no barrier for pharmacists and their staff when it comes to sleep education, they can appropriately support their customers, many of whom are suffering in silence.

BSPSS members in training:

We’re new, and there are now over 100 BSPSS member pharmacists training, how to help people with suspected sleep disorders. Click ‘Find a sleep-trained pharmacist‘ to view member profiles. 

Members: Please complete your profile. This is your opportunity to be found online!

When you have completed your online training LET US KNOW!

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